Monday, September 24, 2007

When Grandma Comes

Grandma Mac has come for a visit. Jim had an opportunity to go visit with his brothers in California--and play a little bit. So, Grandma Mac graciously came to keep me company and help me with the kids on this big weekend--I was in charge of the Primary Program for our ward--wrote it and all that fun stuff--and I even ended up needing to play the piano after our 3rd pianist had to leave town for a family crisis. Anyhow...we've been having a really nice visit and the kids are really having fun while Grandma is here. Against my better advice, she even decided to get on the trampoline with the kids after Rory's constant asking "jump on the trampoline with me?" They had fun! Thanks for coming Grandma, and for your love and help!


Summmack said...

It is always fun when Grandma Mac comes to play! Tell her hi and we can't wait until it is our turn to play again. Love ya

Anonymous said...

How fun for your kids and how lucky for you! I can't imagine planning and executing the primary program -- eeee gadds...

See ya at GNO!