We traveled from Colorado to Utah for Thanksgiving this year. It was my brothers' year to be with our family and not their in-laws. So, it was nice to have ALL of my siblings, and ALL of my neices and nephews there, along with my father and his wife, Sherri.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Thanksgiving 2013
Posted by SaraColorado at 3:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2013, Bryce, Daily Family Life, Family Pictures, Holidays, Isabel, Jim, Kyle, Rory, Sara, Thanksgiving
A Family Tree
Our tree is no longer a designer tree. It doesn't match anything in particular. It doesn't have a color scheme. What it is, is a family tree. Every year one of our highly anticipated family traditions is to make our way on the first Monday of December, to a Hallmark store and let each kid pick out an ornament. They aren't cheap ornaments, but they are well-crafted and they most often reflect the kids' interest or favorite movies in the prior year. We have a lot of Harry Potter themed ornaments...and Mickey Mouse too. One of the first years were were doing this, Isabel chose a pretty bird, and I kept that tradition going. I buy a "Beauty of Birds" ornament each year (and there are usually 2 full size and 2 small). My tree has a lot of very beautiful birds in it.
Posted by SaraColorado at 3:29 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 6, 2011
Pampered by my Boy
I loved spending this time with my Brycee Boy, and I love how gentle and sweet and loving he was to me...and he wasn't embarrassed to tell me (many times) that he loved me. Whenever I think of my Brycee Boy, I'll remember this day always!
Posted by SaraColorado at 11:53 AM 4 comments
Friday, April 15, 2011
I Can't Keep Up
I really can't keep up blogging, so I don't really try that hard--life just moves TOO FAST. I figure, I have facebook to keep in touch with friends and family, and I have my journal to "journal" my life's happenings and thoughts. I do enjoy blogging for certain happenings with the family.
Rory has been in karate for a few months with his brother, Bryce (who is doing GREAT). Rory is making great strides too though, and he earned his first white belt. We are very proud of him!
(Click on Pictures to Enlarge)
Posted by SaraColorado at 12:59 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Homemade Halloween, 2010
My mother was a fantastic seamstress...and her favorite thing to sew was costumes. I think all her grandchildren have benefited from this. This year, I thought I'd give it a try. I left myself plenty of time, and choose EASY patterns. I remember my mother making a cute red-and-white polka-dot costume when we were kids (I think I may of worn it also, but I know my cute little brother Andy did--and he was a dang cute clown).
I was planning on only making 2 clown costumes, but Bryce decided (after seeing the others)--that he wanted one too. I thought "Why not?! It wont be long before he refuses to let me make him fun costumes." He'll soon be at the age where he'll want to be a phantom or monster or something scary and not cute. So, I did it! It was a lot of fun making these.

Isabel got a poodle skirt. I don't know if I decided on this, or if she did, but it is cute and it was fun making it! AND, I really like how it turned out!
Posted by SaraColorado at 9:16 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
School Pictures 2010-11
I'm so proud of my kiddos.

Posted by SaraColorado at 11:25 PM 6 comments
Monday, September 13, 2010
Summer Recap, School Starts, & Lake Powell
It has been FOREVER since I blogged. I kind of miss it--I don't know why really. I have been journaling a lot and I kind of like keeping a lot of thoughts and feeling to myself. Facebook just doesn't seem to cover enough, and is a bit TOO public, and journaling covers too much for public...so maybe blogging is a medium for communicating with friends and family. I don't know, but I thought it is a good place to put a few pictures of our trip to Lake Powell, and a bunch from the summer time.
We had a great great time at Lake Powell. It was very relaxing and good family fun. It's always a lot of stress and work getting there, but so worth it, and by the time we are home, I wish I could do it again, and not have the pre-stress of it all. The trip was a success though. Here are some fun pictures you can look through if you have a moment.
Here are some more pictures of things happening through the summer, and the kids' 1st days of school. We have been busy having fun!
Posted by SaraColorado at 12:27 PM 3 comments
Labels: Family Pictures, Summer Adventures, vacation